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Everton announce ballots for two test events for new stadium

Premier League side Everton are set to host their first events at their new Stadium, with ballots opening for two test events.

The first test event will be an Everton Under-18s friendly fixture on Monday 17th February  in front of a capacity of 10,000 spectators.  

The Club’s Under-21s will play a friendly for the second test event in late March or early April, when the capacity will be increased to 25,000.  

The club also confirmed there would be a third test event before the end of this season.  

The restricted capacities for the events are a requirement of the testing process that will allow the Club to obtain the necessary licence and safety certificates to operate the stadium at full capacity from when it officially opens ahead of the 2025/26 season.

Work first began on the Bramley Moore Dock site in July 2021 and is estimated to have cost around £750 million.

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