Rigby Taylor’s new nutri-link fertiliser feeds turf surface nutritional demands
Rigby Taylor has announced the new Nutri-Link nutritional and bio-stimulant system for a wide range of turf surfaces, including sand-based constructions. Comprising six specially formulated liquid fertilisers, the Nutri-Link fertiliser is applied as a foliar spray that is taken up by both the leaf and the root.
Designed and formulated to supplement granular applications, and for use either stand-alone or in support of an in-season programme, Nutri-Link provides a host of benefits:
- Enhanced root mass and depth
- Increased tillering and denser sward
- Improved disease tolerance
- Better drought resistance
- Rapid recovery from wear and mechanical damage
- Enhanced and extended greening
- More rapid germination
- Reduced salt toxicity
- Greater tolerance to excessive temperature
- Improved photosynthetic capability
- Enhanced carbon sequestration.
Nutri-Link’s components provide multiple solutions to both the macro and micro problems that confront today’s grounds staff - including soil structure, microbial activity, biotic and abiotic stresses. This synergistic approach results in improved plant health and performance; the components’ individual strengths when working together provide greater benefits than if used singly.
A fully illustrated brochure is available from either your Rigby Taylor Area Technical Manager or on request via Freephone 0800 424 919.