Football Trade Directory

Directory now in 17th year

The Football & Rugby Trade Directories are now in their 17th year.

Things have moved on quite a bit since we launched the first Football Trade Directory website in 2008 – the first strap line ‘’ for Football

Was appropriate at the time – but unlike Yell we have gone from strength to strength in that time.

The 2024/2025 updated book version is being put together right now for publication and distribution in the Autumn.

We are again delighted that Thermopatch Sport (part of the Avery Group) are the main partners – for the seventh year. They have been a great support.

They are already joined by some great brands – but there is still time to have a Preferred Supplier entry or a full page-advert for your company. Just email or call 07771916786

The Digital version of the directory which is amended real time through the year has seen over 120000 downloads in the last 12 months and the number of users keeps on growing.


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