Football Trade Directory

Put your brand in front of thousands of key decisions makers in the Football & Rugby Trade Directory Annual 2024/25

Advertising and Preferred Supplier spaces are now available for the 2024/25 edition of the Football & Rugby Trade Directory.

Having first been published in 2007, the Directory has continued to be a trusted resource for decision makers across football as well as rugby since we first incorporated it in 2018.

Over the years there have a been a lot of changes to our business but the Annual Directory has been our cornerstone, and allowed us to build our network of brands and expand into Networking Events, email marketing and consultancy projects.

We'd like to thanks Thermopatch Sports for once again sponsoring the Directory and their continued support.

Last year marked a new iteration of the Directory as we made the Annual available digitally, for people to view and download at their leisure on their computer, tablet or phone.

The digital version of the 2023/24 Directory was viewed over 10,000 times a month, and for the next edition we've improved our software to make it even more engaging for readers and advertisers.

As well as being able to house website and video links within adverts and listings, we can then track the number of clicks, views and average reader time of every page and advert.

If your business isn't already included in the current edition of the Directory then it's easy to set up a free listing in your chosen category.

But if you really want your brand to stand out then we have a range of advertising options available, including:

  • Preferred Supplier Listings from £45+vat per listing- includes a link to your website in the digital edition and prominence over free listings.
  • Advertising Space- Options from 1/4 page up to double page spreads, with prices from as little as £350+vat.

Whether you're looking to enhance your brand's current listings or include your brand in the Directory for the very first time, the 2024/25 edition represents a cost effective and dynamic way of increasing your profile in Football & Rugby.

To find out more about the Directory or to enquire about advertising space, get in touch at or give us a call on 01772 875184.

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